Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Welcome to my page

Welcome. I am working with AutoCAD for over 30 years. As you can imagine the software changed significantly since then. Fortunately, some aspects of it didn't, which makes my live a little easier.

Both AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT constantly change. I want to use it in my small business so I decided to go with the AutoCAD Revit LT Suite. It's AutoCAD LT and Revit LT in one package. It looks like learning Revit LT ma represent a small challange since there are virtualy no books about it and Youtube videos are to put it nicely, "not the best" (I find myself falling asleep, rather quickly).

Welcome to my page

Welcome. I am working with AutoCAD for over 30 years. As you can imagine the software changed significantly since then. Fortunately, some ...